Can I apply with more than one project?
What does “gender related topics” mean in this context?
A film that discusses gender related issues such as inequality, lack of access to the
labor market, certain societal issues that affect men and women.
What is the definition of gender?
Gender includes the social, psychological, cultural and behavioral aspects of being a
male or female.
Do I need to have creative credits on previous work?
Yes. Any female filmmaker with a previous film credit can apply. By creative credit we
mean that you have worked on a film before either in production, directing,
cinematography, writing and editing.
Does the film have to be in Arabic?
Does the film have to be registered for IP?
Script must be copyright registered at مسجلة بحماية الملكية الفكرية Any unregistered films will
be disqualified.
Do I need to speak English to join the incubator?
It is not a must but encouraged. All workshops will be in Arabic but some visiting
speakers might only be speaking in English.
How long do I need to be committed in Cairo?
The total program spans 18 months, including 6 months of capacity building in Cairo
which is not full time but spread across 6 months including full day schedules that
require attendance. There will be a Ramadan and Summer break.
Do I need to apply with a producer?
Does the film team have to be all women?
We are an inclusive environment and all genders are welcome.However, the director
and writer need to be women.
What is the age bracket?
21 to 99 years of age 😀
Do I need to be based in Cairo?
We are excited for all applications from across Egypt. However, the training will take
place in Cairo.
Who funds this program?
This program is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Egypt. It is a fully funded program and there are no costs for the applicant other than showing up and committing to the program.